This week in Quartz Classroom

This week in Quartz Room you may have noticed there is a new face in the room, our grant MacEwan student Sarrah (sar-rah) has returned. Welcome back! She has already created so many exciting activities for us to explore, such as tissue paper art and spray bottle painting. We can’t wait to see what else…

This week in Shale Classroom

That time when things didn’t go as planned. As every parent understands with children their day sometimes doesn’t go according to plan and change is required to make it work. For families in childcare when an Educator says an event or experience didn’t go as planned or there were a few adjustments in the day,…

Annual General Meeting

Hello Families Please join us on Wednesday April 26th for our Annual General Meeting at 5:15pm Childcare will be provided by our Educators, a light dinner/snacks will be available and a look at the past year and upcoming year will be discussed. We hope you all can make it! Have a great weekend!!!

This week in Jasper Classroom

This past week, our Jasper friends have been immersed in role playing through different scenarios, everywhere you look, diverse dramatizations are taking place. Dramatic play can be defined as a type of play where children accept and assign roles, and then act them out. It is a time when they break through the walls of…