This past week in Jasper, we have been exploring the concept of miniature objects. We have focused on the ideals behind small worlds and the fine motor skills of pinching and grasping. The children have been immersed in handling and manipulating small intricate materials, this innate urge to deconstruct and once again construct these objects has led to continued development as well as enhancement in their fine motor techniques. Just as gross motor skills enable your child to perform important everyday tasks, such as getting out of bed and going downstairs for breakfast, fine motor abilities allow for increasing independence in smaller but equally significant matters: opening doors, zipping zippers, brushing teeth, washing hands, and so on. When combined with increasing development of hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills also open new doors to exploration, learning, and creative expression. These skills therefore lay the foundation for academic learning in later years.
In order to learn to write or draw, for example, a child’s hand must be strong and coordinated enough to hold a pencil steady for a long period of time; in order to participate in sports, games, and projects, dexterity and coordination must be up to par. The best way for you to help promote these and other hand-related skills is to provide your child with a wide range of materials to manipulate as their imagination dictates. Good choices include blocks (especially the interlocking types like magnetic blocks, Legos, bristle blocks, Tinker Toys, and construction straws), crayons, markers and paints, paste, glue, modeling clay, an easel, construction paper, scissors, coloring books, and simple sewing cards. This is also a prime time for puzzles, sand and water toys, and musical instruments. . Your child’s mastery of fine motor skills will thereby allow them greater independence in activities throughout daily life.
Last of all just a quick little reminder, as the weather gets warmer, the UV rises, so please bring a hat and sunscreen (non-aerosol) everyday so that we may be able to enjoy the outdoors in a safe manner.
Have a great weekend everyone 🙂 Neha & Jessica