General News

Hello Families We have some new faces around Primrose. Please welcome Samantha and Michelle to the team. If you haven’t already said “Hello” be sure to give them a wave and introduce yourself. Sam will be joining Sue on the Enhancement team so she will get the chance to play with all the children in…

This week in Jasper Classroom

This past week in Jasper, we have been exploring the concept of miniature objects. We have focused on the ideals behind small worlds and the fine motor skills of pinching and grasping. The children have been immersed in handling and manipulating small intricate materials, this innate urge to deconstruct and once again construct these objects…

This week in Quartz Classroom

This week in Quartz Room we have moved from provocations to exploring our big idea of constructing, more specifically, we are exploring the question “What materials do we use to construct?” After discussing the results of all our provocations and how all the children responded to the experiences, we decided it was best to start…

This week in Sandstone Classroom

It’s finally here, it’s finally here! Spring has finally sprung! Our Sandstone friends were so elated to go outside without their heavy winter jackets, and on Thursday it was so warm, we didn’t even wear our sweaters! FINALLY! We had been exploring our playspace and found many ladybugs, which kept the children very engaged as…

This week in Shale Classroom

As we have been exploring movement by setting up safe environments that support gross motor development, we’ve noticed how much our Shale friends also enjoy learning and exploring their own body movement through song and dance. Big body movement has been a big interest for our friends these past weeks and by us adding a…