Time, as adults it seems to be something that we are always so worried about, either we don’t have enough of it or it will not go fast enough. Looking into Jasper room time seems to stand still when the children are engaged in their play. At the sand table the children are huddled around dumping and pouring, transferring the sand between different containers. Over in the blocks the Lego basket is sourcing out many spare parts to keep everyone transforming the ships, cars, and rockets they have built. Carefully selecting the right shade children at the art center, they are making tokens of appreciation for loved ones. Peeking out from under a table you can see a group of children pretending they are hiding from some “bad guy” or sleeping in a tent on a camping trip. As the children participate in their chosen activity in the class room they are focused on one thing, the task at hand. Children need time to link concepts with experiences, when they are given ample amount of time to explore their ideas and make meaning of the things they see in the world. Sometimes it is hard as an adult to prioritize our time; however it is easier for the children, because play comes first. Why is that? It is because they are learning in a way that is meaningful to them.
Have a great weekend and a special warm wish to our Mother’s on Sunday, see everyone next week.