This week in Jasper Classroom

This past short week in Jasper has been an eventful one. We have further explored the many inquisitive minds in our room. From testing theories to going on nature walks to exploring the changing landscape in our neighbourhood. We have built upon and extended our provocations through key observations of the children’s play. By doing…

This week in Jasper Classroom

This past week in Jasper Room we have begun our journey into the disposition of seeking. Our friends are continuously seeking the answers to many questions, their curiosity about the world is ever expanding and by participating in the process of inquiry allows them to expand their knowledge and to add elements of different topics…

This week in Jasper Classroom

Whether you call it role play, dramatic play or imaginative play that act of using your entire body to bring a role or idea to life empowers children to learn their own strengths and skills through play. Play and playfulness as stated in the Alberta Child Care Framework allows children to express and experience open…

This week in Jasper Classroom

With the weather warming up, this past week has been filled with expanding our creative ventures into the outdoors. Creativity is a process that involves the discovery of new ideas. It is fuelled by a conscious or unconscious insight. We must consider pedagogical delivery methods and learning environments that not only engage children in new…

This week in Jasper Classroom

The focus in terms of creative ventures are divergent throughout Jasper Room. Play is the single most important activity for children to engage in, each and every day. The research evidence is overwhelming in documenting the power of play for children’s emotional well-being, social development and academic achievement. With so many electronic and battery powered…

This week in Jasper Classroom

It’s a brisk winter morning in Edmonton and a class of bubbly preschoolers have burst into Jasper Room commencing a period of free play. Amid an explosion of drawing, coloring, and play-dough kneading, Cohen and Arthur are building a tower out of colorful wood blocks. Their structure, however, is top-heavy, and it begins to wobble.…

This week in Jasper Classroom

The new year equals many new adventures, 2017 has opened up the gates of creativity in Jasper room, our observations have led us to conclude that our friends play in all forms is centred around the ideals of personification. Where they have begun to take inanimate objects and role play them into real life scenarios.…

This week in Jasper Classroom

New science  tells us that children’s first years are when they develop the foundation for all future learning. Every time we connect with them, it’s not just their eyes that light up, it’s their brains too. In these moments, half a million neurons  fire at once, taking in all the things we say and do.…

This Week in Jasper Classroom

Perseverance, the willingness to persist in the face of challenges and use these moments to demonstrate commitment and resolve.  This is true for athletes, parents, leaders, children and anyone else willing to reframe challenges as opportunities. Life is full of opportunity disguised as challenges or obstacles and each of us has the power within us…