It was another great week in shale. We have continued to explore the room, playing with our new toys and interacting with our new friends. This week was super warm we spent the week mostly outdoors exploring and playing in our play space and going for long walks around the neighborhood. This week we played a lot in the water table! It was so much fun to splash around and drink those bubbles we have also been working on our dumping and pouring skills! Shale had lots of fun reading BALL and playing with the ball experience that was set up on the table. It was interesting to watch how the children played with the different type of balls by throwing and rolling in between different textures bumpy and smooth. We also spent time ripping and tearing black paper that was lots of fun. The children had fun playing in the construction site in the morning and then seeing the workers pave the road outside of our daycare for the last few days they have enjoyed watching out of our windows. The children have really enjoyed singing ba ba black sheep and twinkle twinkle little star our favorite song at the moment is the wheels on the bus.