A Day in the Life of a Fish Around Our Snack Table!
All of our friends in shale had a busy, fun week. One particular memory stands out in my mind. It was a balmy Tuesday afternoon, when the children woke up from a restful nap and headed for the snack table. On this particular day, we were having fish crackers, as all the children sat around the table, some of our friends began to eat right away while others explored the crackers deciding on whether to eat them. It was at this moment that Vi decided to have some fun at the table and began to take her crackers, moving them along the grain of the table slowly while simultaneously making a “da da da da” sound. This resulted in the children shifting their focus and watching Vi as she repeated this motion and then gulped the crackers into her mouth. OH MY…..immediately the children’s faces lit up as bright as the sun. She once again repeated her actions, the children were mesmerized, and watched with anticipation as to what would happen next. “GULP!” went Vi, this time wiggling the fish cracker into her mouth. At the sight of this, the children began to smile and the room was filled with endless giggles. The room was soon filled with children mimicking the same motion through which Vi ate the crackers.
What a memorable snack we had that day. Who would have thought that eating fish crackers could turn into such a fun and memorable moment. As the children grow in their independence, doing things on their own, learning about familiar and unfamiliar foods (Play,Participation, Possibilities pg.96) Feel free to try adding songs and sound effects to your mealtimes this weekend.
Hope everyone has a great weekend, we will welcome Cassi back on Monday from her holidays.
Shale Team-Vi, Emily, Young