This week shale explored the great outdoors! We experienced two new places together after our stroller rides. On Monday we were able to play at the park! It was so much fun to get our toes in the sand and climb the climbers. Shale also explored the huge open field where we ran freely, released energy and explored the bugs, trees and grass! On Thursday we were lucky enough to explore in our play space where different water experiences were set up to keep us cool from those hot sun rays. The children seemed to really engage in the water bed, it was fun to sit and bounce on as our older friends went running by in the sprinkler.
We have noticed the children’s interests changing in the room, we have observed that our children are very excited to see how our bodies move and the movements and directions our body can make in different scenarios. Stay tuned to see how we further explore moving our bodies in the world that surrounds us. Shale was introduced to bubbles this week blowing in the fan! WE LOVED IT! So much excitement to pop those bubbles coming towards our faces. Shale really enjoyed when the librarian came from the Edmonton public library to sing and read with us, one of our favorite songs was “Green speckled Frogs”! With the weather being so warm this week we have explored the true meaning of being naked and partying in our diapers! Hope every one has a fabulous hot weekend, we look forward to seeing what shale experiences next week!