Ramps, ramps, and more ramps! This week the children explored many types and sizes of ramps. They explored making their own and what creates more speed, which cars have the best momentum, and what objects roll the fastest. This exploration has increased the children’s wonder and curiosity.
A small group of children also went to the seniors lodge to do an art experience. We met Gerry, Debbie, Bee, Adele, and James who helped put loose materials on to Mack tack. We talked about the materials and their properties (shiny, soft, smooth, etc.). When our creation was finished we hung it up on the windows as a gift to our community members.
Thank you all for bringing in warm winter clothes for the children. With all the snow it was great to get bundled up and spend some time exploring outside. Caylen created a large box experience in the backyard and the children used their imaginations to combine the snow and the boxes into an alligator, a sled, and a chair.
Have a super awesome weekend!