Boom, Crash, Bang! These were the words the sandstone children used to describe the big thunderstorm we had yesterday. We had so much fun watching the storm, we all pulled up chairs to the window and turned out the lights and listened to the thunder and watched the lightening flash! The excitement continued when the power went and we got to explore the classroom in the dark. What an eventful afternoon we had yesterday. Also this week we have continued with our big idea of construction, we have been exploring it in many different ways and forms. For example, we explored building a jungle with blocks and adding different animals to it, we were seeing how high we could build the towers and what shapes we could make out of them. We also added shaving cream to the water table and used it to help stack the blocks on one another, the shaving cream acted kind of like glue and we could stack the blocks higher than we usually could without anything on them. We also explored the story “The Three Little Pigs” by using pictures of the pigs and wolf on Popsicle sticks and used playdough to create the brick houses, pipe cleaners for the straw house and Popsicle sticks for the stick house. It was a great way to extend on the idea of construction and use a familiar story to explain it. We hope you have a wonderful weekend!!