Here comes the sun…. what a hot, hot, hot week we’ve had!!! We’ve had lots of fun playing outside in the yard, we also ventured out of the yard this week and went for a walk around the block and checked out our new neighborhood! On our walk we saw many exciting things, we saw beautiful pink roses that we all had to stop and smell, we also saw a big rabbit on someone front lawn! It was so exciting! We all stopped and watched it, some of the friends even yelled out bunny to it and it turned its head and looked at us and didn’t hop away! Also this week to take advantage of all this wonderful weather we did some painting with cotton balls outside, we put an art canvas outside and encouraged the children to throw the painted cotton balls at the canvas! Take a look at our door to the room; the whole experience is documented on there. We are very excited to go to the spray park today!! Some much needed cooling off will be so much fun, we will make sure to take lots of pictures of us at the park today!! Have a wonderful weekend and try your best to stay as cool as you can!!