This week in sandstone room we explored our messy side! From playing in the mud and puddles in our yard, to exploring cornstarch and water in our sensory bin, to painting with different objects, we have gotten very messy! The children have enjoyed exploring these new sensory experiences. With the weather getting warmer, this is surely going to be a new interest to explore in the coming weeks. Splash pants and extra socks would be a great asset to your child’s outdoor wardrobe. Next week Alice (pronounced Ah-lees) our Grant MacEwan student will be joining us for 4 weeks. We’re happy to welcome her back to our room. As well, we have finished writing your children’s ages and stages questionares, which are at the back of their white binders. These are simple assessments to see how your child is growing and developing. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to chat with Erin, Jessica, or Julia. Have a wonderful weekend!