Sandstone room has been busy exploring our new big idea of transformation. To introduce this idea we started with ice cubes in the water table and a large mallet to smash the ice and the match it melt. This was an incredibly fun experience, one that we did two days in a row. The first time we had a large ice block and the second time lots of small cubes. The children found that it was easier to hit the large ice block and that it melted slowly. The small ice cubes were harder to hit; this difficultly required us to focus on our aim and use good hand eye coordination. The smaller ice cubes also melted very fast. Next we try this activity we want to use both sizes of ice cubes and see how the children react. Another way we have provocated transformation is through sensory play. This week we made playdough with the children and talked about how when we mix the ingredients together they change into a new substance of playdough. We have also spent lots of time enjoying the nice weather. On Thursday we walked to Ottewell Park to play at the hills. We played many games of chase, practiced different way of climbing up the hills; standing up, on our knees, on all fours, etc, and we rolled down the hills. This kind of play is all Rough and Tumble play. With the warmer weather that we’ve been having and is coming, we plan on going to the park and for walks for frequently. This mean your child will need sunscreen, a sun hat, good walking shoes, and a water bottle. Friday was the bug finish of our week. In the morning we had Music with Dawn, which we love and look forward to. In the afternoon we went the seniors to enjoy a small petting zoo. There was a donkey, rabbits, a dog, and chickens. A few of us were even brave enough to ride the donkey! The very end of the day we had a birthday party celebration for Erin’s birthday. There was ice cream cake, noise makers, and glow sticks. What an awesome Friday!!!! We hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!!!