Wow, what a busy week full of change. As many of you may of noticed our physical room has changed this week. The children have been busy exploring all the changes that have happened. Many children have been focused on taking on different roles in the house centre. We often hear chatter about children being the mom or the dad, the sister or brother and even the grandparents. Children are very aware of what these people do in there lives and they act out those roles accordingly. Through this role play we notice the realationships children have in their lives and how they respond to these relationships ( PPP, 2014, p.95). We are noticing the play children are doing evolving within the house centre and we look forward to continuing to observe what the children explore as we add new things to this centre.
Throughout the week we have also been exploring the idea of sorting through using lots of different objects. This exploration all began when June began to sort miniature animals by colour and species. Other children had watched June work and you could see the courioisity in their faces. We have set out different provocations that have provided the children with the opportunity to begin exploring the idea of sorting and seriation. These include using multi coloured water beads in the water table, bread ties on our manipulative table and buttons mixed with water beads on the light table. These simple provocations are the beginning of discovering what children already know about sorting and seriation and what they are wanting to find out.
We finished our week off with a beautiful walk with Kerry and Sue. During this walk we searched for pinecones and leaves and collected them in baskets. It was a wonderful opportunity to be out in nature getting some needed fresh air. We also want to welcome all our new friends that have joined Sandstone Room this week and we will continue to meet new friends next week. We also say goodbye to Angus and Estella who are on to new adventures in Jasper room.
Just a reminder that we are closed on Monday for the long weekend!
Have a wonderful weekend!