This week in sandstone we have been busy exploring sensory play and building and creating with Alice, our practicum student. We started the week off by adding in dinosaurs to our green coloured sand. We continued on this play by incorporating some plants and rocks to create a dinosaur habits and then added brushes to allow th the children to dig up the dinosaur fossils. In our water table the children enjoyed playing with funnels, they were very interested in pouring the water and watchig it flow through the tube. After a while of this play we noticed a few children using the funnels to blow bubbles so the next day we set up our water table with soap, straws, and bubble wands to encourage their interest of blowing bubbles. To the end the week we dirtied up a bunch of toys added scrubbers and cloths and let the children clean all the dirty toys as they have been interested in cleaning as well. This week our practicum student Alice has been busy setting up provocation based of her big idea of creating. At the start of the week she set out clay with sticks, later in the week she used rocks and large wood planks to allow the children to creat towers in a defined space. It has been lots of fun so far. There will be some changes happening in Sandstone Room. We are sad to say that Julia will be leaving us to pursue a new adventure. The 24th will be her last day. We are very happy to be welcoming Roberta to the Sandstone team, we know she will make a great addition. Remember we will be closed next Friday the 25th for Easter. Have a great weekend!