What happens when we build with blocks on a mirror? Or when we use play-dough with scissors or even animals? I wonder what could happen when we place a plastic glove of water in the freezer or place water beads outside in -20* weather? These wonderings of the children and educators have sparked the development of a new big idea in Quartz Room; Cause and Effect.
Cause and Effect is defined as;
- The principle of causation, the operation or relation of a cause and its effect
- Noting a relationship between actions or events that one or more are the result of the other or others
Within the idea of Cause and Effect, we plan to expand into the areas of; how we use movement to explore cause and effect, how we use natural and scientific experiences to investigate cause and effect, how our social and emotional interactions can impact cause and effect, and what materials we use to initiate cause and effect.
Play, Participation, and Possibilities: An Early Learning And Child Care Curriculum Framework For Alberta talks about the image of the child. The Curriculum Framework for Alberta is intended to awaken the image of a strong, resourceful, capable child – a mighty learner and citizen. (PPP p.39) The Curriculum Framework also describes five dispositions to learn; I/we are playing and playful; I/we are seeking; I/we are participating; I/we are persisting; I/we are caring. (PPP p.63)
Children learn about the properties of objects by experimenting with action and reaction, cause and effect. Children learn to negotiate the complexities of joint undertakings by making collective plans and decisions about the directions of their play. Children learn to employ creative approaches to identifying and working out practical problems by raising questions and making hypotheses about how and why things happen. (PPP p.100)
Mighty Learner
A mighty learner brings body and mind – his or her whole being – to play and learning. To be mighty means to be powerful, robust, vigorous, stalwart, and awe-inspiring. The image of the child described within this curriculum is a strong, resourceful, capable child-a mighty learner and citizen. Every child is a mighty learner.
As we unpack the big idea of Cause and Effect we hope to provoke these pre-existing dispositions and help the children become mighty learners.