Last week our tables were our indoor slides, this week we expanded our sliding, but this time not with our bodies! We covered one of our tables with a large piece of paper, turned the table on an incline, brought out paint and some eye droppers to see what would happen! It was a bit of a challenge to use the eye droppers, we had to squeeze the coloured bulb, let go so it could suck up the paint and then ever so gently bring the dropper over to our paper and squeeze it to let the paint out! Even though it was difficult, everyone – both child and educator – kept persisting! Educators repeated and demonstrated the way to carefully suck up paint, but also allowing the children to explore the droppers in their own ways. Children tried over and over again to fill the dropper up with paint, with different ways to squeeze, release and pick up the droppers. “Children will often demonstrate their disposition to persist with experiences that are both interesting and intellectually engaging to them. Children persist when they are able to pursue their own questions and theories in play.” P.P.P. Pg 129 What an incredible experience! The way the paint rolled (… or wait was it sliding) down the page, dripping right off the paper right onto the floor captured all of our attention. As the different colours mixed and swirled together we created a beautiful collaborative piece of art! We are excited to see where inclines and Ramps will take us next week.
Check out the art work created by this experience right outside our classroom door!