This past week in Jasper, our inquisitive room full of creative thinkers and mighty learners have been busy all throughout the week on a number of different projects.
First of all we have been exploring the connections between real-life scenarios and those that coincide in our room. We have been sectioning off into small groups to focus on the children’s interest of construction as it relates to housing. Our process began with the implementation of stepping into the role of an architect and mapping out blueprints/floor plans for the types of houses that we would like to construct. It allowed the children to not only let their imagination run wild with different ideas of what a house looks like to them but also allowed them to put the visual that was in their mind onto a concrete medium. Once our plans were secured we dove into the construction aspect, our materials consisted of a cardboard box and various loose parts. During this process, the question of materials and resources came into play when Haddie asked which types of materials are used to build a house while Cohen wondered how an actual house is constructed from beginning to the end. This led into a discussion regarding natural and artificial resources and the difference between the two and how the strength of the materials played a role in which type would be used to make a house. Making these connections through the introduction of provocations helps our friends to join the aspects of the real world and embed it into our play scenarios.
Another area in which our friends are advancing in are their gross motor and risk-taking skills. As our friends develop further in their journey here at Primrose, they have been involving themselves in activities in the play-yard that take on the ideals of risk assessment. They have been testing their limits by allowing themselves to enhance their own concept of self-assurance. Out in the play-yard you might see these skills at play when swinging from a suspended tire or climbing on top of the tire, this aspect improves balance and allows them to test the theoretic aspect of gravity. Some of our friends have also learnt how to climb on top of the logs placed securely on the fence and have practiced two-footed jumps which to their delight they have now mastered. Now you might consider this to be sometimes quite a daunting feeling knowing that children are taking such risks however there is always supervision present at all of these activities and ultimately the goal of learning ones own boundaries and accomplishing a set goal is how children learn to assess risk. It helps them gain self-confidence in their gross motor abilities and allows them to feel a sense of accomplishment and to be proud of themselves for achieving a task that they once were unsure of.
We cannot wait to continue this journey of learning new concepts and allowing our friends to enhance all of their different skill-sets. Join us next week to hear all about how this journey continues through various forms.
Last little reminder, we will be closed on Friday November 11 for Remembrance Day! Have a great long weekend everyone, see you all on Monday 🙂