Movement is defined as an act of changing physical location or position or of having this changed.
In Quartz room we have begun exploring what this concept means for us and how we can create opportunities to move throughout the day. Recently we have started taking trips to Ottewell Lodge to climb the stairs. Climbing stairs may seem like a simple task, however; when you are toddler just learning how to find your balance when walking on flat ground stairs provide a brand new challenge. As the children climb you are able to see that it is a whole body experience and the rang of development that exists in Quartz Room. The oldest children climb the stairs one foot at a time only holding the hand rail to maintain balance, next we have children climbing a step at time and holding much tighter onto the railing, and finally we have our smallest stair climbers who climb up with both hands on the stairs using their whole bodies. Climbing stairs is viewed as development milestone with the goal of having children be able to go up and down stairs while holding onto the railing or wall by 24 months.
We have also been busy exploring cooking experiences this week in Quartz room. On Tuesday Bekah brought in her waffle maker and we made delicious banana bread waffles. The children helped Bekah measure, pour, and mix the ingredients together and we watched as they cooked in the waffle maker. We all agreed that they were very yummy. On Friday we had another cooking experience. We made smoothies and rice Krispy treats. Again we helped measure, pour, and mix the ingredients. We enjoyed our tasty treats in the afternoon as a fun way to end the week and start the long weekend off in a joyful way.