We can’t believe April is already half over! Quartz room has been so busy with lots of gross motor activities – jumping off logs and benches into pillows, making bridges outside to cross, playing soccer and throwing footballs outside. We also engaged in some rough and tumble play outside (if you don’t know what that is; ask a Quartz educator, we’d love to let you know!).
The outside playspace has also been a place where we have explored some sensory experiences – mixing mud and shaving cream with sticks to scooping, sorting and pouring coloured bottle caps.
Moving along with our big idea of building and construction we have removed our Not-a-Box from our class and have decided that we are going to repurpose it within different areas of the classroom. Next week, see if you can spot where we have added parts of our Not-a-Box!
Our grocery store will be closing its doors in the near future to make room for a work bench and tools-to continue to expanding our interest in buildings.
Also this week, we have said goodbye to Kara our Grant MacEwan student as it was her last week and wish her well on her next semester, we loved having her in the class!
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend and double check with us if your child needs sunscreen for this summer.
Quartz Room!