What a fun filled and busy week our Jasper friends have had. As the weather gets warmer we have been exploring the outdoors a lot more. Our adventures have taken us to a brand new park near Kennelworth community centre. The children enjoyed spinning endlessly on the tire swing as well as practicing their balancing skills on a spinning beam. On Tuesday we said goodbye to Larissa, all our friends really enjoyed having her join our classroom, we wish her the best of luck in her future endeavours. On Wednesday we transformed our indoor classroom into an outdoor one which the children tremendously enjoyed, they were able to participate in our fly trap painting along with making our play-yard a bit brighter through painting a mirage of colours onto the wooden logs and stumps.
Our Jasper friends along with some Sandstone friends have also been experimenting with risky play activities, the highlight this week focused on the children wanting to challenge themselves by climbing over the fence. We all had a discussion regarding how we could accomplish this activity in a safe and secure manner. We thus came to the consensus that we would stack tires on top of each other and have two teachers helping the children climb while another teacher was present on the other side of the fence to assist the children in climbing down. It was amazing to see how driven and ambitious the children were in setting a goal and accomplishing it by pushing their own boundaries. This type of risky play is essential to not only develop their gross motor skills but also to enhance their sense of self.
On Thursday the children piled our 15 bags of milk jugs into both teacher Neha and Sarah’s cars, the bags were then transported to the bottle depot where we found out that we had collected 500 cartons which equaled close to $115. When we came back we discussed what the children would like to buy for our room. We came up with things such as water play toys for the hot summer soon approaching as well as some sports equipment such as basketballs. We would like to thank all the primrose families who helped us in our igloo building endeavor.
To end the week off, we created a catapult to launch different objects into the air and were fortunate enough to be invited to view a petting zoo with the seniors Friday afternoon. With the hot weather approaching we would like to remind parents to check our bulletin board to see whether new sunscreen and bug spray needs to be brought in. Hope you all have a marvellous weekend! See you all on Monday 🙂