What an incredible week we have had in Quartz room! We have welcomed our student Kara from Grant MacEwan on Monday and she will be returning for four weeks in March! To further enhance our interest in the sink/water we attached one end of a flexible hose to the tap and placed the other end in the water table. We watched the water slowly trickle into the table and then used our metal jugs to help empty the table to fill it again! We have revisited this experience numerous times throughout the week!!
On Tuesday, some of Quartz room went armed with books to go read with the seniors. We read A Very Hungry Caterpillar, Llama Llama Red Pyjama and Good Morning Canada.
We had another exciting day with seniors on Wednesday when we walked over to make Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins! We enjoyed the company and conversations we had with the few who had joined us and took pride in sharing our muffins with the rest of our class. Also, the freshly fallen snow made a very welcomed surprise for both children and educators, we filled the outdoor play-space with snow angles, foot prints and and laughter.
We’ve ended our week with our Family and Friend celebration by making carrot cake cookies to share with our families and making a family tree collage and doing friendship puzzles!
From the Quartz Room Family to yours, we wish you Happy Family Day on Monday and will see everyone again on Tuesday.