This week has had lots of opportunities for messy art, snow play and practicing getting our outdoor gear on and off! We have also had a lot of dance parties! We are really enjoying the exploration of our body movements according to the tempo(speed) of the music. We have also explored different types of dancing; from ballet to hip hop, and even contemporary! We painted with jingle bells on our brushes, did salad spinner art and danced with ribbon wands with Zandalee. We have also done print painting and foam painting. We explored flubber with jems inside. We rearranged some centres in the room to provide a new engaging dynamic for the children. So far they love it!
We would like to ask all families to write down or tell one of the Quartz teachers whether you need child care for December 21-23 and December 29-31 so we can have the appropriate number of teachers available and also give extra family time to the teachers if it is possible.
Thank you and have a great weekend!!!