Last week, the educators made a blue, golden glittery conditioner dough that smelled like root beer. The children mashed, cut and shaped the dough, turning it into cotton candy, pizza, erasers; it was awesome! The experience led to a discussion about what colours are “supposed” to smell like.
Curious children that we are, we started a conversation with the children about what colours smell like. Of course, each child had different ideas about their answers. Cohen declared that “orange smells like oranges,” to which Arthur replied, “No! It smells like marker!” An educator recorded each child’s opinions, and the Jasper children allowed each friend to have their say. Did you know that yellow smells like sunshine (Griffin), blue smells like toothpaste (Lucas), and green smells like leaves (Audrey/Orla)? Such great inspiration!
Taking what we heard from each other about colour smells, the children were inspired to create a rainbow-esque art project for our classroom. We will be working on this over the coming weeks, and we will be asking for help from home; stay tuned for more information!
“Children learn about the properties of objects: playfully exploring and investigating the properties of objects; experimenting with action and reaction, cause and effect; creating patterns and relationships— sorting and matching, sizing and ordering, sequencing and grouping; developing a vocabulary to describe similarities and differences, patterns and relationships”
–taken from Play, Participation, and Possibilities: An Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum Framework for Alberta by Makovichuk, L., Hewes, J., Lirette, P., & Thomas, N. Based on the work found at
Have a great long weekend everyone, see you all Tuesday.
Marly and Sam