This week in Jasper room we began our circle of inquiry, throughout the week we focused our attention of different forms of crustaceans that existed in the world. We began unravelling a vast amount of information in relation to Kath Murdoch’s inquiry cycle. We first had a discussion with our friends regarding points of curiosity as they pertained to the crustaceans themselves, we came up with questions such as; how do lobsters swim?how do lobsters pinch? How do they walk? What shells do hermit crabs live in? What else lives in a shell? The next step was to dive into an accumulation of resources to uncover the answers, we researched as a team through visual aids such as books and the World Wide Web, we also explored them through first hand experiences of others as well as reading a countless number of books. Alongside this research we extended the children’s learning through tactile provocations. Lastly once all our research had been accumulated we formed our conclusions through group discussions which focused on answering our previously formulated questions, we discovered that lobsters can’t swim but they get their mobility through crawling on their legs, they also pinch using the claws which are very strong. This then led to starting to go through the cycle once again in terms of investigating insects and bugs, the highlight of which was on Thursday where we went on a 3hour bug hunt and discovered a vast number of different species. We hope to dive deeper into this in the following week. This past week we also ventured out to Kennilworth spray park with our Sandstone friends to explore water as well as sand play. We hope you all enjoyed all the adventures we went on this week, have a wonderful weekend, see you all on Monday 🙂