This week in Jasper Room, we have been very busy learning the concepts of displacement, direction, velocity, and distance in terms of trajectorial properties. We started off the week by allowing the children to construct their own paper airplanes and built a target area for them to throw the planes at, this allowed us to have a discussion regarding velocity and direction in which the planes flew. We also experimented with building different train tracks but instead of using trains we used marbles to race on the track, the children enjoyed this activity so much that we added an extension which allowed the marbles to come to the finish line by bouncing on some musical instruments. In terms of our outdoor play, our Jasper friends were engaged in some risky play this week such as piling all our tires on top of one another and climbing in and out, this allowed our friends to practice their gross motor skills of climbing and balancing. Towards the end of the week, teacher Sarah taught our friends a the game anti-anti-eye-over which is a throwing game full of suspense. Lastly we ended our week by using our beautiful singing voices in music with Dawn! We hope you all have a great weekend! 🙂