Goodbye March, hello April! We kicked off our April with a bang, pulling April-Fools tricks all over Primrose! The kinder boys, who were spending the week with us due to spring break, had a blast thinking up and executing pranks to pull on our primrose educators. Whitney got us good though; hiding our books, stealing our light bulbs and leaving confetti and feathers all over the room! Before the pranking wars began, we had a pretty relaxed week filled with trips to Kenilworth park, re-starting our igloo project and starting a new section of our “action” program! Our Jasper friends were extremely excited to visit Kenilworth park a few mornings this week. It was fun to see them test their risk-taking skills on the monkey bars and spinning rides. They also made quite a few friends at the park, finding new play partners in the neighbourhood. The kids always look forward to going to this “spicy” park, it’s one of our favorites!
This week we also phased out a few projects so we can start new ones next week. Thursday was our last day exploring our “under the sea” playscape in book corner. We have taken down all of the sea life drawings, stories and seashells and are moving forward. Jasper room had a fantastic time exploring under the sea and have had countless imaginative play moments and discussions together regarding the great big sea! The kids did ask if we could leave the roof and wall on our book corner, as it adds a sense of coziness to our relaxing space!
We are also moving onto our next stage of our “action” program. We have spent the last three months exploring what actions impact transporting, and we have dove deep into the concept exploring it in all ares of our program. Our final webs on that qeustion are complete and we would love to show you our complete journey. Our newest question is “What jobs incorporate transporting?”. We will begin next week, unpacking that question and exploring all the different directions it can take us!
“Project: Igloo” Update: We were finally able to restart construction on our igloo and it chugging right along with a fast pace. The kids have really been excited to begin play inside our new igloo playscape and have been brainstorming different ways we can play with and expand its purpose. We are still in need of about 100 milk jugs. If you’ve got any extra you’d be willing to donate to help us complete our project, that would be wonderful! Have a fantastic weekend, can’t wait to start our new journeys next week!