Greetings from Sandstone! We hope all our families have had a wonderful last week of summer. We have been busy inside the room the last few days as the hazy weather has not permitted us to spend as much time as we would like outdoors. You might have noticed our finished project over the water table. We spent a few days building the stand and are now exploring our new interest of dumping and pouring with the funnels and tubes that hang from the stand. It is really interesting how some of the children were more interested in connecting the tubes to the funnels rather than seeing what would happen by pouring the water down. During the week we have said “see you in a bit” to some of our Sandstone friends as they move up to Jasper room. Kenzie, Molly, and Eva we will still get to see you outside in the play space and we hope you have a great adventure in Jasper room! We have welcomed Zachary and Alina over from Quartz room and have been busy showing them around our room. Sadly we are saying Goodbye to Vivian! We will miss you! On Wednesday we went to Clara Tyner Park for the morning and on our way there we spotted a Police car! We would like to thank Constable Renaldas for stopping and showing us the lights on her car, we even got high fives and to see her radio strapped to her vest. Teacher Sue and Teacher Vi have been helping our in our room this week and we have had a blast with them, chasing bubbles and making patterns in shaving cream spread out on the table. Next week we will be welcoming a new teacher, Erin to Sandstone! As fall draws near we are going to start a family project. If you could bring one or two photos in of your family we will create a family tree, binder, or photo wall for the classroom. Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you on Monday.