What a busy week for Quartz Room!! We have been discovering many new interests in the room, and having lots of fun while doing it! For starters, we have been going outside every day to escape our sauna of a room; the spray park has been our best friend! We also took a trip over to the big hills behind the park and learned about gravity because many of us tried running down the hill but inevitably fell on our bums. Some of us found it easier to scoot down the hills on our butts rather than run down! When we were playing inside the classroom we were getting very messy, we explored shaving cream in many different ways! We started out with just plain old shaving cream in the water table with food coloring, we than added baking soda to the shaving cream and that made the shaving cream feel like snow! It was very messy but oh so fun! Our next step is to add vinegar and water to it; it is going to be like a volcano! To continue in the exploration of art, we did some eye dropper painting, we added food coloring to water and encouraged the children to paint their own pictures. We also brought in shredded paper and Styrofoam to touch and feel, it was interesting to compare the two textures and also fun to see which one was easier to clean up J We have noticed the children have been really interested in cars a lot more, so we have tried to set up different activities that involve cars and trucks! To add even more on to all this excitement, we even got our light table working!! We have many exciting things planned for next week!