Jasper Room began our exploration of the human body this week! Monday morning we discovered a doctors office in the room complete with (pretend) medicine, stethoscopes, tubes, tensor wraps, band-aids and a doctors kit! We really loved imagining we were doctors, nurses and surgeons as we fixed all of our patients problems. In morning meeting we read “The Hair Book” by Dr. Suess and then we looked in mirrors to see if we could determine our hair color. We also used mirrors to look at our eyes and see the different eye colors our friends have. Next week we will continue to discover our similarities and differences by talking about the different ways we talk! Jasper friends had a chance to get messy when we painted our hands and our feet to make hand and foot prints on paper! We also traced our bodies on big pieces of paper. Next week we will use our hand prints, foot prints and body traces to create something very exciting! We can’t wait to show you!