Jasper Room have been Knights of the round table this week! Early in the week we looked at pictures of how kings and queens dressed hundreds of years ago. We were surprised to see that Kings wore leggings and huge long cloaks. Or as most of the children revered to them, capes. We learned that back then the queens, and all other woman, had to wear dresses everyday! No pants ever! We thought it would be fun to wear those big beautiful dresses sometimes but all agreed it would be way to hard to run around, climb, play sports and do all sorts of other activities. We also looked at nights and noticed they all wore armour, including helmets, swords and shields. We decided to create our own armour so we spent the week doing this. We used plaster of Paris on balloons to create helmets, cut swords from cardboard and wrapped them in tinfoil and used the iPad to write our names and make a crest for our shields. We needed something to do with our swords, since we didn’t want to fight our friends, so we built a fire breathing dragon out of cardboard! Today we dressed in all of our gear and headed to the field to fight the dragon. We couldn’t believe it when we broke open the dragon and found chocolate inside! Happy Friday!!