This week Jasper Room has been wrapping up our exploration of blocks. As one last hurrah we decided to build something that would help us to tear it all down, a wrecking ball!! We used a coat rack, a stick, a rubber ball and some string and we made a great big wrecking ball. Over the week we have tried out our wrecking ball of a bunch of different types of building materials. We started with foam blocks, then used small wood blocks then finished it off with the big blocks. With each material we enjoyed building towers as high as we could and then pulling back the wrecking ball and watching it crash into our tower, knocking it all to the ground. Each time we broke a building we immediately built a new one so we could knock it down again. As the spring weather has finally begun to show itself the conversations in the room have started to revolve around bugs! Mosquitos, bees, ladybugs, flies and all sorts of other creepy crawly creatures. Over the next few weeks Jasper Room is going to dig deeper and begin an investigation into the critters that crawl, buzz, slither and scurry all over the ground!