Payment for April

Families, we are still working out the automatic withdrawal, its almost there but not quiet set up yet. Please bring in cheques for payment for the month of April. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to talk with the office.   Reminder, We are CLOSED Friday (tomorrow) for Good Friday but WILL be…

This week in Jasper Room

It has been an exciting week in Jasper Room, we started the week off by creating a tent-like structure in our book corner… The fabrics were of different textures which led to the discussion of what kind of playscape the children want to have in our room. Our student teacher Larissa had a lengthy discussion…

This week in Quartz Room

Quartz Room Grocery Store is open for business! We have changed our dramatic play area into our very own grocery store! We have brought in boxes, cans, milk jugs, shopping bags and cash registers! We have been filling up our baskets with our groceries, paying for them at the till and then taking them home…

This week in Sandstone…

What happened this week is sandstone you ask? We have been very busy exploring different sensory play and going outside as often as we can. This week we explored clay with jewels and sticks, the children found it difficult to work with at first until they had worked it enough and it became easier to…

This week in Shale Room…

It’s a short week with our friends in Shale and we are excited for the Easter long weekend! This week we had a great time with our sensory play! We washed colourful balls and messy farm animals in soapy water in our water table. We loved the foamy bubbles the sponges made! Our sandbox was…