General News

We are still looking for silent auction items, and are looking forward to see all our Primrose parents, families and friends attend the auction! It is 15 days away! Time is flying ! Don’t forget to sign up for the parent engagement hours posted near the front doors! Check out the classrooms and see what…

Shale Classroom This Week

This week in the Shale Classroom, we continued our exploration of farm animals!  To do this, we had many different experiences.  We placed paper in the sensory table, along with some paint and a few of our animals.  Then we walked the animals through the paint to see the different tracks that they would make!  This…

Jasper Classroom This Week

This week has been all about turtles and crabs! We began our week talking about sea turtles and discussing what they look like and how they feel. We extended our learning by creating our own sea turtles using paper plates, paint and construction paper. We discovered that sea turtles have four flipper like legs, a…

Quartz Classroom This Week

“Moo, Neigh, Baa, Quack” this is what we have been saying in Quartz classroom all week! Our big idea has been animals but we decided to narrow in on farms and the animals that live within them. We listened to the sounds animals make and tried to make the same sounds with our own mouths,…

Sandstone Classroom This Week

Sandstone classroom was full of excitement, laughter and discovery this week. We made some adjustments to the classroom to suit the children’s need and added a bouncy corner. This bouncy corner is a great area for gross motor development and  for colossal play – constructing big towers! Some other experiences we initiated this week included…