We are still looking for silent auction items, and are looking forward to see all our Primrose parents, families and friends attend the auction! It is 15 days away! Time is flying !
Don’t forget to sign up for the parent engagement hours posted near the front doors!
Check out the classrooms and see what kind of learning that is happening/happened…
They are some wonderful, amazing things being discovered everyday in your child’s classroom!
WORKSHOP FOR ALL PARENTS – February.27, March.6 and March.13 – 5:00 to 7:00 –
Sensory Behavior Detective Training.
It is an awesome opportunity to learn about why children tend to behave in certain ways, how we can deal decisively and effectively, and how we can continue to support you!!!!!
This is our second time working with Qi creative and having these guys provide a hands on workshop. Parents were thrilled and loved it last time!
Please come sign up at the office. Childcare and dinner provided.