Summer in Shale
It’s crazy to think that this week summer has officially arrived and June is almost over which means a shift in the Shale room. We have friends transitioning to Quartz and friends moving on to new adventures. While we are saying farewell to some of our friends, we are also welcoming new friends into our room. Some of you may have noticed a few new faces in the room already. The Shale educators are excited for all the new changes in the room. With changes coming to the room, we have noticed we are shifting from being an “older” Shale room back to a “younger” shale room and we are excited to plan lots of provocations to test and develop skills in fine and gross motor.
The past week has been a water splashing, paint smearing and table sliding and climbing spot. We continue our love for paint and art experiences as mentioned in the previous blog. With Sarah we finished our spatula paint and have it hanging in the room as our new art feature. Each day we added new shades of green and a yellow to top it off. Vera used the spatula to scoop paint up to then started splashing the paint with the spatula, creating a splattering effect on the paper. Green paint was being splattered everywhere by the time Vera was done splashing, she and Emily had green spots all over their faces. Getting messy is the best way to explore any art experience. If you look close to the painting, you might even see some hand prints from our friends too. We also explored messy art with our shaving cream smooshing paint experience. Shaving cream and food coloring and using our hands to press paper into the colored cream creating a marble paint effect to the paper. Each friend took a turn pushing the paper in but also squishing their hands in the shaving cream. We love the feeling of shaving cream, some of us like the taste of it, even though we educators try really hard to deter the tasting experience. Cassi’s bag of plastic balls that we love so much came out for many experiences this week; we practiced throwing them, balancing them on blocks and floating them in water. We love the colorful balls so much we might turn the sandbox into a ball pit for a few days!
Hope you have a great weekend! See you on Monday!
Cassi, Young, Sarah and Emily
** We will be close MONDAY JULY 3 in lieu for Canada Day**
Please be aware of the changes, if you have any questions please see Lana or Jenn.