Another wonderful week in Shale has come and gone! As most of you may have noticed we have some new and improved structures in our growing play space, our shale friends have taken a great interest in the new bench around the tree, the sandbox and what we find most intriguing is the bridge, the children absolutely love the bridge! Our friends are using the bridge as a hide and seek area, peeking through the beams to the children on the other side while laughing with so much cheer! They have been racing back and forth over the bridge, giggling and co-playing with the other children from other rooms. As we move towards new additions to our play space, we will gain new adventures and face new challenges, our shale friends will grow and become more independent by practicing our problem solving skills in ways of figuring out how to climb on and off of our new structures and different ways of using them! “If you want to witness a natural display of a sense of wonder, just observe a child. A child’s whole world is viewed through the eyes of wonder and excitement. A child has no judgements of why things are so, but rather a child is in awe of life and views life through innocence, purity and curiosity.” – “Paleologos, 2014” We had two children leave Shale room this week, Louise is taking a year off with her big sister and mom as Louise is becoming a big sister herself, and Eva has moved up to bigger adventures in Quartz room and we know she will do great! We had a new friend join our Shale family, her name is Addilynn, she is a great new fit. We also have a new little friend, Kaden who is starting his transitions to join us full time! Can’t wait to get to know you both as the months pass. Have a wonderful weekend!