We are definitely starting to settle in our new daycare, routines are being made, all the children and educators seem comfortable with the new space, we absolutely love it here! This week we have been doing lots of observations, not just us teachers but the children have been very observant too. We have noticed the children still seem very interested in insects and nature, and have really noticed the changing of seasons and what comes with that. We are going to focus on these aspects and start exploring the outside world lots and bringing the outside world inside, we have lots of exciting things planned. We are looking at maybe starting an ant farm, also making our own small gardens inside some old tires! The children have also been very mesmerized by the construction going on outside of our daycare, they all really enjoy sitting at the fence and watching the construction workers do their jobs, we have lots of questions for the workers and sometimes the big trucks honk their horns for us! Inside the classroom we did a fun project with vinegar, baking soda and food coloring! We eye dropped colored vinegar onto a tray of baking soda and watched it bubble, it was a great science project and the children were very intrigued by the fact that vinegar looked like water but it didn’t smell like water. We look forward to all the memories we are going to make in this new center and cannot wait to see what the future holds for all of us, keep your eyes open for some great things coming your way! Have a wonderful Weekend!!