It’s finally here, it’s finally here! Spring has finally sprung! Our Sandstone friends were so elated to go outside without their heavy winter jackets, and on Thursday it was so warm, we didn’t even wear our sweaters! FINALLY!
We had been exploring our playspace and found many ladybugs, which kept the children very engaged as they captured the insects and observed them through magnifying glasses! The children also seemed to enjoy running around the space and rolling on the grass. It appears that they too are excited about the long-awaited warm weather!
The educators have also noticed that there has been split interest between building with Lego and role-playing going shopping. Interestingly enough, the girls seem to enjoy the latter activity, collecting toys around the room and placing them in their bags. Then they would take their goods to the quiet cube where they would remove the items and spread them out, seemingly to assess their purchases!
The boys, on the other hand, engage in their own role-play experience by building spaceships and going on adventures into outer space! We have very active imaginations in Sandstone!
There have been some big changes in Sandstone this week as Jessica is now an Educator in Jasper Room, but we are so fortunate and excited to have a new Educator in our room! We welcome Michelle to Primrose Place and our room, and we are all very happy to have her! Welcome, Michelle!
*** With warmer weather approaching, please bring home all winter clothing to make space for spring/summer wear. Thank you very much for your cooperation and enjoy the beautiful weather! Have a safe weekend and we’ll see you on Monday! —Sandstone Educators