As you’ve walked into Sandstone room through this past week you may have noticed some changes. We have been working hard to meet the needs of the children and meet their intertests by how the room is set up. We simply re arrange the furniture to make it more open for more space to build or to get messy, we thoughtfully remove toys to fully engage in meaningful play, and we curiously watch how our interactions and daily transitions run more smoothly. Our goal is to nurture each child’s individual identities as a mighty learner and capable citizen, as well as to meet the individual needs of each child.
After observing each child’s interests, such as Audrey, Cybil, Estella, and Isla utilizing the block corner more and more to build malls, we reflect on how we can allow for more possibilities. Now they can imagine and build without interruption from being in someone’s way.
Fridays in Sandstone consist of.. DANCE PARTIES. We love to dance to different types of music either by ourselves, with other friends, or even with you (our families) We hold on to each other’s hands and spin around and around or we can twirl, shake, and boogie. Having a more open classroom concept allows for more space to move our bodies.
“Through the organization of space, educators consider both familiar and novel play spaces that can ignite possibilities for children’s exploration, imagination, creativity, and decision-making” (PPP, pg. 69)
Have a fantastic weekend with family and friends, and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.
– Sandstone Educators