Brrrr… Another very cold week here in Edmonton, Alberta. We have been cooped up inside for yet another week and our imaginations are running wild. We are bursting with creativity and energy so we have been making the most of it. All week long, lots of our play has been lead by our very own Sandstone friends.
Declan lead us in an imaginitive scene of going to the Edmonton Eskimo game, he gave everyone tickets, then we took the bus to the football stadium and walked to our seats way up high. We had an incredible view of all the players on the field. We enjoy watching and playing sports in Sandstone.
Another day, the play was taken over by Adler when our friends were taking off their shirts because they were getting very warm while running around. Adler decided it was summertime and her, Inara, and Audrey were going to the pool to swim. They got their bathing suits on and put their towels around their bodies to keep warm and floated in the water. When it was time to get out of the pool they drove to the beach to have some fun in the sun. Brooke lathered them up in sunscreen so they didn’t burn in the hot sun, then they set out their towels to lay down on in the sand. Can summer come any faster?
Good news! Next week looks like it might be nice enough to be outside! Yahoo!
Next Thursday, we invite parents to join us in Sandstone for a pancake breakfast before we all enjoy our holidays with our loved ones. Yummy!
Enjoy your weekend with your family and friends with whatever you have planned and we will see you on Monday!
From your Sandstone Educators,
Brooke, Jessica, and Paulette