What a diverse week we have had in Sandstone! We started off by exploring different textures in making playdough and slime. One was mouldable and could be shaped by our hands or tools. The other formed a structure but melted down into a liquid substance almost immediately. What great fun we had in all the fresh snow on Thursday! We built snow hills and watched as it fell from the trees. We went on Tuesday to visit the seniors and read some books with them, we read one of our favorites “the book with no pictures”. Us educators in Sandstone have begun to ask the question “how can we bring in technology in a meaningful play space?” On Friday we went to the gym to explore an underwater playscape. We had a projector playing a soundless video of fish swimming in a coral reef. The children interacted with the video and play miniature fish, the discussed what they were seeing. They went to the sensory bin and used what they saw in a he video for background story line in their play. We look forward to continueing this exploration of technology in our play! Have a wonderful weekend!