This week in Sandstone we have continued on with our exploration of change and transformation, we’ve discovered new ways of discovering transformation by using construction and building. We set up our own marble towers and figured out different ways to make the marble roll in different directions, it was lots of fun to knock the towers down and start over again. We also did an exploration of Going on a Bear hunt; we used the play people and walked them through each stage of the book. We had strips of green paper to represent the “long, wavy grass,” than we used a tray of water to represent the “deep, cold river,” next was a tray of mud for the “thick, oozy mud” but uh oh! The people ran into a forest, which we used fake plants to create “a big, dark forest,” and then a blizzard hit which we used pure white sand to show a “swirling, whirling snow storm!” and lastly we ran into the cave, “the narrow, gloomy cave…” and there was the “two big furry ears, two big goggly eyes, one shiny wet nose.. It’s a BEAR!!!” also this week we got invited to go to Jasper Rooms homemade water park which was so much FUN! They made a homemade pool and a giant water bed which was kind of like a slip n slide and we had a sprinkler going off! It was a great way to beat the heat! We hope you have an awesome weekend!