This week in Sandstone we have been very busy exploring science! Our science exploration started out when we made our very own butter. We poured whip cream in a small plastic container and then the shaking began. The children were pleased to show off their strong muscles as they began shaking the container as hard as they could. Some children expressed that their arms were tired as they worked their muscles. After some time we began seeing the clumps of butter form, but we needed a bit of help from us teachers to get the finished product. The sandstone children were so eager to help in this process and couldn’t wait to spread their butter over their crackers! Boy did it taste yummy! Through seeing this process of change we wondered how else we could explore change through science. We begun researching some simple science experiments with the children that we could try. We decided to try cloud in the jar first. By using water, shaving cream and some food colouring we saw a beautiful mixture of colours occur! This inspired us to do another experiment like this. One morning we had a bit of extra milk left over at snack time, so instead of pouring it down the drain we decided to use it for another colour mixing experience. With some food colouring and soap the colours would spread out and mix in beautiful patterns , you could see the expressions of amazement the children had as the colours mixed. As the science took place children really began to question how these things were happening, how the butter formed, how the colours mixed, why it looked like rain. Although we couldn’t answer all the questions by exploring science children were growing in their capacity to ask critical question about what was happening with their experiments (PPP, 2014, p.108).
We continue to have many changes happening in the sandstone room. Next week we will have some Quartz friends visiting as they prepare to move up to Sandstone room as well as some Sandstone friends visiting Jasper as the prepare for their move. We will also be welcoming some brand new friends to Sandstone room late next week and some friends who have been away all summer on holidays. Also today we say goodbye to Paulette as she begins a new journey, all of us have enjoyed learning along side her and wish her the best of luck in her new adventure! With Paulette leaving this means next week we will be welcoming new Educators to our room. Sue will be joining us for the next few months and a new educator Amanda will begin with us on Monday! We all look forward to learning alongside Sue and Amanda in the sandstone room!
Have a wonderful Friday!