This week in Sandstone we have gotten in touch with our artistic side. We spent lots of time at the art table doing roller painting, pine cone painting, watercolour painting, and even painted Pete the Cat’s white shoes. The children also tested out chalk pastel for the first time. They discovered that when you draw with multiple colours you can rub the paper to make the colours combine, we also discovered that chalk pastels are very fragile and we need to be gentle with them. We have also been enjoying the beautiful spring weather, we have gone on a few walks around the community. We spent a morning at the small park climbing up and racing down the sides. Out back we played a game of tag, encouraged each other in climbing the trees and gather pine cones or as we like to call them coconuts.
This week is Alice’s last week we have been busy exploring building and stacking with rocks. We painted the rocks then washed them off in the water table. We put them in the sand table and covered them with sand and gathered them in pails. It was great to share our play with rocks on Thursday with the parents that came. We will miss Alice and wish her the best in her graduation!
Just a reminder, keep an eye out at the silent auction for Sandstones spray panting! Have a great weekend and see you on Monday