It is almost the end of summer and what a time we have had in Sandstone! In the newly updated classroom we have been very busy in every new space. Some of us in the mornings have been seeing how big we can build a tower out of mega blocks. We can get it taller than us, than a teacher, we even got the stools out of the bathroom and it almost touched the ceiling before it came tumbling down. On Thursday we went for a walk to the Clara Tyner Park in the morning and had a blast as we challenged ourselves on the wobbly bridge or raced down the double slides. This week we have been saying our good byes to Kaitlin as she gets ready to go on her two month vacation to travel around Europe with teacher Alix from Jasper room. On Friday morning we made a special snack to have in the afternoon with Kaitlin to celebrate her last day. We cannot wait for her to come back and share her stories of her adventures. Next week we are looking forward to visiting our new rooms! We will be welcoming some of Quartz friends to Sandstone and getting to know our new teachers in Jasper room. Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.