From our observations, we have moved onto the big idea of movement. It all started with a man hole and listening to the water as it rushed through. We were so curious about the sound and what was happening. We furthered our listening experience of movement by doing some experiences with flow in the sand and water table. We used funnels and tubes in the sand table and watched as gravity pulled the sand through the tubes. We also explored water tubes and glitter in the water table. Along with movement, we have touched on the idea of mixing through eye droppers and food coloured water. Quartz room is very involved in different experiences but also has a favorite book. One of our favorite books is “Up, Up, Down.” by Robert Munch. They have read it so many times that they can predict what is going to happen next. Lastly, we were delighted when we saw Dawn for Music on Friday. Dawn always helps encourage our rhythm, singing, and musical talents! Have a wonderful weekend parents!