This week in Quartz Room we have been getting really wet and splashing around! We have been exploring water and the different ways we can dump and pour it out, our floor looks like a giant swimming pool some days but its loads of fun being able to transfer buckets of water from one area to another. We also explored dirt this week, first by filling up our water table with soil and wearing our very own gardening gloves to help us dig up some bugs that were hiding in the dirt! Once we were done with that project we decided to “paint” with the dirt and make some creative pictures out of it. We plan to focus a lot on water these next couple of weeks and the different ways it can move, we will have to make trips to the spray park to do some “investigating “ on water!! Some things we may learn by exploring water is math concepts like size, and quantity and cognitively being able to identify hot and cold, and expanding our language development to words like pouring, drizzling, dripping, and slippery!