First of all, YAY for this beautiful weather!! Finally!! It has been so wonderful to be able to go outside in the morning and afternoon and actually enjoy being out there rather than freezing our toes off! Although we do apologize for all the wet and muddy snow pants and clothes, it’s a lake out there. During the time we are in the classroom, we have been exploring colossal play still by exploring dinosaurs and the names of all the dinosaurs! We sang the song iggity tiggity bumble, but instead of saying our own names we asked the children to name a dinosaur, the children knew a lot more dinosaurs than we expected! We had to go back to the computer to learn how to spell half of the names of the dinosaurs they said. We have also been discussing sounds and volume in the classroom, we noticed the children have been discovering just how loud their voices can go! So one morning we all laid on the carpet and put calming music on and calmed our bodies to show the children how we don’t need to talk in such loud voices to talk to our friends, we also read a very special book about how one of our friends in the room is very sensitive to noise and we need to be careful when we are being so loud because it can make them very upset! This week has been a very good discovery for the children to learn about themselves and the environment around them. Lots of learning for the children and the teachers!