This week in jasper room was exciting and full of smiles! We welcomed our new teacher, Sarah, into the room! We also moved from learning about superheroes to learning about transformation in nature. Our Jasper friends have shown a lot of interest in bugs that come out in spring; mostly ladybugs and spiders. What better way to start off this new chapter then to go on a bug hunt! We found more ladybugs than we could count, and we found a few beetles and ants. We also have a new Jasper room pet spider that we named Spider-Man. He lives freely in our room and comes out to visit every once in a while. We made him a nice comfy home in a jar and we drew him a little spider family to make him feel more comfortable. We brought back a beetle and a ladybug to keep him company as well. Some of us did an experiment on floating vs sinking in the water table and we even made predictions! We tried leaves, wood chips, sticks, rocks, sea shells, and different bugs (plastic). We can’t wait to see where we get to explore next week! Have an amazing long weekend and we’ll see you back here on Tuesday.